My Journey to Quit Smoking
– Rashesh Patel
Just like every love story is great, so is every quit smoking story! Today, I am going to share my side of the smoking journey, which I recently realized is a common story among families in India. However, what makes my story special is that I was able to quit smoking within 12 weeks and as of Nov’23, it has been 6 months since I last smoked a cigarette.
Changing lanes isn’t that easy. My wife pushed me, and even my 7-year-old daughter insisted that I quit smoking. I knew they were right, but I didn’t know what to do. I tried on my own for a week, but the craving was so intense, and my friends who smoked also missed me in the group, tempting me to smoke, and I fell easy prey to the urge. I also tried quit smoking gums, but none of them served up to the mark.
I met Dr. Mahesh Panchal, a psychiatrist, and Mr. Mayur Patel. They guided me on the path to quit smoking, and here I am. Well, it’s not as easy as it may sound in the last two sentences, but I am sure it’s easier than trying to quit on your own, and it is very much possible. I could see the joy and contentment in the eyes of my wife and daughter. That day, we thought, let’s extend this noble cause to all our smoking brothers. It’s not just about saving smokers from cancer, but the whole family suffers from multiple consequences, be it social, financial, or medical.
Qtox – Quitting toxic things. I am sure this will help you too. Try it, just like many smokers have joined this journey.