I have been smoking for the past 12 years, with an average of 10-12 cigarettes per day. The number would often increase when I traveled with friends or alone. My wife, as well as my parents, never liked my smoking habit. My kids would frequently urge me to quit smoking. I understood their concern, but quitting was extremely challenging for me. I resorted to discreet smoking, which made me feel guilty. I was trapped in this vicious cycle. While I enjoyed smoking, I didn’t enjoy the need to hide it. My wife recommended the Qtox program to me, as I couldn’t continue with the secrecy of smoking. It felt like a betrayal to my family, and I disliked that aspect of myself. I love my family deeply. The Qtox team was very approachable, and their perspective was realistic and constructive. They were solution-oriented. My deaddiction coach worked closely with me, assisting in strengthening my determination and guiding me through every small stage of my quit smoking journey. They helped me overcome all the hurdles along the way. I must say, I haven’t come across any brand in India that offers such exclusive support. Their Quit Smoking Kit is inspiring and impressive. When I first opened the kit, I felt a surge of confidence. Since then, my determination has only grown stronger, and I have learned to explore other sources of happiness beyond cigarettes.